a blog for my short and long-term memory loss

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Well, my 6 weeks are up!! I finished!! I am proud to say I did not miss one minute of my cardio these past 6 weeks. The dieting on the other hand is something I am going to have to continue to work on. I have decided that dieting in the winter when you are stuck in the house most of the time, makes it EXTREMELY difficult to not snack all day! I started off strong, only eating sweets on Saturdays, but ended eating whatever I wanted on Friday night through Sunday. I did loose a few pounds, so that was encouraging. I can definitely tell a difference in the way my clothes fit! I am going to continue doing my cardio 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week. I am going to continue to do some dieting, but will make a few changes from my original plan. One thing I want to implement is not eating anything after supper is over. (NO late night snacking!) For me, this is a good way to cut out unecessary calories. I am still trying to burn off some of my "fat pockets". If you have started a diet or excercise routine, let me encourage you to go ahead and FINISH! Even if you mess up along the way, get back on track and finish what you started! You will be so proud of yourself when you do!

It was good to be able to get out a little this weekend and get some fresh air and sunshine!

Here are a few pictures of the kids ready for church this morning, and playing outside on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. those babies are so sweet..i miss them all. I love 'brudders' new hair do!! Hes Stylin'
    Love yall - Kate
