a blog for my short and long-term memory loss

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Leaves and a little Chocolate Pie

Over the past couple of weeks I have fallen into the "holiday spirit" and have started baking and planning an Advent calendar for the kids. I love the holidays and all of the traditions and anticipation that it brings. This past week I baked a pecan pie and a chocolate pie. By the second day, there were only two pieces of the chocolate pie left. As I was vacuuming that day, I kept glancing in checking on Wyatt and Anna Lea, but in between glances, they happened upon the chocolate pie........

I truly do not understand why my children feel the need to "go the extra mile" when getting into something. They are not satisfied to merely nibble on the delicious food that they have found, but instead feel the need to baptize themselves it as well. Oh, well. I guess they figure if your gonna go, go all out!? A philosophy they continue to live out as they grow.

On a happier note..... we have a lot of trees around our house, and Rob did some leaf-blowing this past weekend. I grabbed my camera and captured a few memories.

my little "angels"

Fast becoming one of our November traditions is my Grandma Wilma's famous pumpkin roll recipe she has passed down to us. And it is GOOD!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Meeting Little Beau

This past weekend Oscar, Katie, and Little Beau came for a visit. We enjoyed spending time with them and getting to know one of the kid's newest cousins.

I had Layla be my photographer for the evening, and she did a really good job! She took all of the pictures below except for the one she is in.

Gram and Beau

Rob and I (don't look at my hair, it was strugglin' that day)

Poppy, Anna Lea, Freddy, and Freddy

Kate and Oscar

Layla trying to not be in a picture (wonder who she got that from?)


Layla and Beau

Mimi and Beau