a blog for my short and long-term memory loss

Monday, June 21, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow??



Green Beans

Hydrangea Bush

These are some pictures taken of our garden and Hydrangea Bushes on June 2nd. We are getting Green Beans, Squash, Zucchini, and Peppers about everyday now from our garden. They are DELICIOUS!! My favorite part of having a garden is picking the produce and eating it for supper!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

How many kids can you fit in ONE pool??

This past Friday my friend Elisha brought her 4 children over to play with my 3 children. We filled up the little kiddie pool, and they just had a blast!! They really enjoyed their time together playing, eating lunch, and playing some more.

First time without KIDS!!

Rob and I were able to get away for a long weekend this past weekend for the first time ever without our children!! It was very nice to spend some time together all by ourselves. We stayed at a beach house on St. George Island, FL. We got to do whatever we wanted to do whenever we wanted to do it!! That turned out to be just sitting at the beach, eating out almost every meal, and just plain taking it easy. It was so nice to not have to think about preparing meals OR cleaning up after them! That was probably my favorite part of our time away. I think Rob's favorite was just sitting on the beach soaking up the sun and watching the fishermen. We were able to see a fisherman catch a baby shark. That was pretty neat, but it also made you wonder just how close his moma and daddy were swimming?!

We did miss our kids, but were very thankful for Marmee and Pop taking excellent care of them while we were gone!! Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Layla in the fountains at Coolige Park

Anna Lea picking "fowders" in her pullups and milkin' boots

Wyatt on the kitchen table
Well, I am finally back in the blogging world after some technical difficulties. Here are some pictures of the kids from last month. Layla just turned 4 on May the 3rd and thinks she knows everything! Anna Lea just turned 2 on April 17th, and her current hobbies are picking every flower that she sees and throwing temper tantrums when she can't have juice. Wyatt just turned 1 on May 8th and his latest tricks are walking, repeating "No" from his sisters, and as you can see climbing onto the table! So, never a dull moment around here if you haven't figured that out yet.
Rob has completed his electrical schooling and is now working full time managing rental properties. I have just started my own business as a consultant selling Arbonne! We both love to get out in our beautiful vegetable garden in the evenings when we can and work in it. (Mainly Rob working while I keep Anna Lea from destroying it!) I will put some pictures of it up soon because I am so proud of it. I did pick our first squash yesterday and we had with our supper last night. DELICIOUS!!