a blog for my short and long-term memory loss

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hike with Friends

We had to take advantage of this beautiful day...
so we went on a hike with some friends!

Wyatt, Caleb and Alex

Reagan, Grace, Layla, and Anna Lea

All the kids, pre-hike:)

Anna Lea and the boyz

The prize at the end!

The kids had a blast together.  They weren't too excited about hiking all the way back, but we made it, and were rewarded with a yummy picnic lunch. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


During college my best friend and I kept a calendar taped to the back of our dorm room door.  The purpose for this calendar was to help us make it through our last year of college, a few days at a time.  We would count down to every weekend, or break from classes by crossing out each day once it was past.  We made it through by looking foward to, or anticipating events that were coming up in our near future. 

Ten years later...

I am still a girl who likes to have something to look foward to, something that gives me that feeling of excitement or anticipation.  In this moment, I am most looking foward to the first day of Spring!  One week from today it will be here!!  We have almost made it through the gray, winter months, and are about to soak in the warmth and beauty that will surround our home here in East Tennessee.  Shorts, swim suits, water guns, flowers, gardens, picnics, and around here, bare feet, are all things we do!  Mmmm!   I absolutley crave it! 

There is just something about having something to look foward to that fills us with hope.  Hope in something to come that is better than what we have right now.  Something more exciting or fun, something more relaxing or fulfilling. 

As a believer who is learning all the benefits of a close relationship with God my Father, I am able to not only be filled with a hope of things to come in this world, but also filled with the Hope of eternity.  I can look foward to eternity with the One who made it possible to hope -  Jesus!
For He is Hope! 

He is hope for a better life right now, this second, this hour, this week, this season of life.  He is hope for a better future.  He is the only Hope that satisfies. 

Happy Easter!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

Matthew 28:6