I recently finished reading the book Radical. We have been going through it in our Connect Group at church. I would strongly recommend anyone who wants to be challenged in all areas of your Christianity to read it. It will definitely envoke a wide range of emotions from anger to sadness. If you do decide to read it, stick with it so that you will hear the whole heart of the author. This book has really opened my eyes and heightened my senses to my own needs and the needs of the world. It will rock your world!! (Hopefully in a good way:)
The second book, Experiencing God, has been around for a while. I had never heard of it until recently. It was offered as a Bible study through our church this past fall. I wish I had been exposed to it ALOT sooner! The main concept of the book has been LIFE CHANGING for me!! I cannot believe I have never heard the concepts presented in this book before now! If you ever have the opportunity to go through this study, DO IT! It will change your life!
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