looking out our front door
Today we woke up to the perfect snow day!! During the night it had snowed about 8 inches!!! The kids (and moma and daddy) were very excited to get out and play in it!! The last snow that Rob and I remember was what we refer to as the "Blizzard of 93". We were 11 years old. I lived in Campbellsville, Ky at the time. I remember I had slept downstairs with my sister Hannah and we both woke up to about a foot of snow with several inches of ice on top of it. The heavy ice had knocked out all of the power. We had a kerosene heater that we were able to use to stay warm. I remember it as a fun adventure!
Rob lived in Athens, TN at the time. His memories include waking up to lots of snow as well. He remembers playing in the snow, then his whole family went over to Gram and Poppy's (his grandparents) house to stay for several days until their power was turned back on.
Here is how we enjoyed our day. First we put on all of our layers of clothing.

Almost ready

Anna Lea
I stumbled across your blog because I wrote a memoir of my childhood on the farm: Growing Up Country: Memories of an Iowa Farm Girl. Your post made me think of so many days when we rushed out to play in the snow. It could be for hours or minutes, but snow was fabulous! We got six inches of fresh power this morning. Time to play!