Anna Lea, is our beautiful middle child. Her name has been passed down from her great grandmother Diana, to her grandmother (my mom) Jamaelea, to me, Rebekah Lea. She is built a little differently than our other two children. She is tall for her age, is very slender with petite features, and has the tiniest buns you ever saw. She has no fear of strangers, and is fascinated with animals. She could melt your heart with one smile. Right now she is 2 and 1/2 years old. I know I will forget some of the things that she does one day, and want to be able to remember a few. Right now these memories do not make me laugh, but hopefully one day they will:)
When I go to bed at night, most of my energy throughout the day has been spent on Anna Lea. She will get her mind set on something, and will scream and pitch the biggest fit if she cannot see her plan through. She is FULL of energy. Some of her daily activities include: eating Cheez-its in the dryer, hiding underneath her bed or in the closet at nap time, pouring all of my fake apples down the central heat vent, waking up her brother from his nap by pouring a whole bag of cheese puffs in his baby bed, pulling all of her clothes and everyone else's clothes out of the closet into one big pile, poking holes into the living room wall using one of Rob's tools, tearing down our beautiful black and white wallpaper in the dining room, taking off her dirty diaper during nap time and smearing poop LITERALLY all over her playroom and all of the toys in the playroom, getting into the Vaseline and smearing it all over the changing table and in the carpet too, of course, I could continue, but for sake of time will stop.
I know God must have a very special plan for Anna Lea's life. I am excited to see what it is!
I love my little weasel. Marmee
ReplyDeleteI was a rascal too and at the age of five started my adventures. One early Saturady morning, while everyone was still asleep, I climed up onto the kitchen counter and got down cookies, chips, popcorn and who know what else. I opened the front door and took my loot down the block to a friend's house. We stuffed ourselves with all those goodies. Meanwhile my mom Beka's grandma, Anna's great grandma woke up and found me missing and a trail of crumbs leadin from the kitchen and out the front door. She followed the trail to a garage a few houses down. She yelled, "Is Jaemalea in there?" I was caught and she snached me up by the ear! and lead me all the way home and there was no wee wee wee all the way home but yells of pain and fear. I was a rascal but later received Jesus as my Savior, married a godly man, and raised 6 wonderful children and now have 6+ grands. Give them all to the Lord!!! DAILY!! P.S. Mom went to locking my bedroom door at nights!!! To Anna with love, grandma dalton