a blog for my short and long-term memory loss

Friday, May 13, 2011

My New Clothesline!

Call me crazy (it won't be the first time) but, I really do enjoy spending the time to hang my clothes outside on the line to dry. Any household chore that I can turn in to an outside chore, I will do it! I had been asking Rob to build me a clothesline for a month or two, and then our dryer broke, so... He went ahead and built me one, and I have been using it for several weeks now, and am loving it! I believe that it will also save us a few dollars a month on our electric bill.

In the winter I am planning to use our bonus room for drying clothes, so that I can keep it up all year long. Another plus in letting our clothes air dry as opposed to drying them in a dryer, will be better quality and a longer life for our clothes!

This is also a way that we as a family can be more self-sufficient, which is something that I have been spending alot of time thinking and talking to Rob about recently. This is something we both have a great interest in, and we will continue to update you on our progress:) Don't get too nervous though, I still plan on shaving my arm pits, and wearing makeup when I have to! HeeHee!


  1. Love it! You make me laugh too!~

  2. You aren't so crazy! Never could get anyone to build me one.... so, got this instead

