Last weekend, we decided to try our first family camping trip. We didn't venture too far from home, staying at Gee Creek Campground about 20 minutes away from our house. I had never been there before, and was pleasantly suprised at how nice of a campground it was. The kids were very excited about the trip!
We wisely picked a campsite that was in close proximity to the bathrooms and the playground, and we let the kids ride their bicycles around to do some exploring.
We arrived Friday about 2:30pm. The kids rode their bicycles and tricycles around, played at the playground, and waded in the "creek". Meanwhile, Rob got the tent set up and the fires going.
Pop joined us for hamburgers and hotdogs at suppertime. He also brought some special "goodies" for the kids, but promptly left before their sugar rush began! (Thanks ALOT:)
Everything went very smoothly and everyone was having a glorious time, then it was bedtime...
We really hadn't used our tent before, and hadn't really realized just how small it was. Let's just say it wasn't made for a family of five to sleep in together. It took a while, but finally everyone fell asleep. I was the last one to drift off to "sleep" sandwiched in between Layla and Wyatt. I kept praying for morning to come quickly and promised myself to NEVER get into this situation again!
The next morning Rob cooked us some yummy sausages and eggs for breakfast. The kids played and rode until we had to leave.
All in all it was a fun time together, and we do plan on doing it again, but we will be taking another tent so that we can sleep separately from our precious children!
You are one brave woman! I don't even want to go camping with just Eric!