Last weekend, we decided to try our first family camping trip. We didn't venture too far from home, staying at Gee Creek Campground about 20 minutes away from our house. I had never been there before, and was pleasantly suprised at how nice of a campground it was. The kids were very excited about the trip!
We wisely picked a campsite that was in close proximity to the bathrooms and the playground, and we let the kids ride their bicycles around to do some exploring.
We arrived Friday about 2:30pm. The kids rode their bicycles and tricycles around, played at the playground, and waded in the "creek". Meanwhile, Rob got the tent set up and the fires going.
Pop joined us for hamburgers and hotdogs at suppertime. He also brought some special "goodies" for the kids, but promptly left before their sugar rush began! (Thanks ALOT:)
Everything went very smoothly and everyone was having a glorious time, then it was bedtime...
We really hadn't used our tent before, and hadn't really realized just how small it was. Let's just say it wasn't made for a family of five to sleep in together. It took a while, but finally everyone fell asleep. I was the last one to drift off to "sleep" sandwiched in between Layla and Wyatt. I kept praying for morning to come quickly and promised myself to NEVER get into this situation again!
The next morning Rob cooked us some yummy sausages and eggs for breakfast. The kids played and rode until we had to leave.
All in all it was a fun time together, and we do plan on doing it again, but we will be taking another tent so that we can sleep separately from our precious children!
a blog for my short and long-term memory loss
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
My New Clothesline!
Call me crazy (it won't be the first time) but, I really do enjoy spending the time to hang my clothes outside on the line to dry. Any household chore that I can turn in to an outside chore, I will do it! I had been asking Rob to build me a clothesline for a month or two, and then our dryer broke, so... He went ahead and built me one, and I have been using it for several weeks now, and am loving it! I believe that it will also save us a few dollars a month on our electric bill.
In the winter I am planning to use our bonus room for drying clothes, so that I can keep it up all year long. Another plus in letting our clothes air dry as opposed to drying them in a dryer, will be better quality and a longer life for our clothes!
This is also a way that we as a family can be more self-sufficient, which is something that I have been spending alot of time thinking and talking to Rob about recently. This is something we both have a great interest in, and we will continue to update you on our progress:) Don't get too nervous though, I still plan on shaving my arm pits, and wearing makeup when I have to! HeeHee!
A Milestone
Well, we can now say that our youngest child is 2! Wyatt Young turned two this past Sunday on Mother's Day. Here are some pictures Rob took Sunday morning of them while I was getting ready...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
My Best Friend's Visit
I love having company. I really enjoy it when friends or family are able to come and stay at our home with us for a few days.
Monday, my very best friend in the world, Sally, and her two sweet little girls came to stay and play with us for a few days. Sally and I have known each other since high school, and we became really close during our college days together.
It was action-packed to say the least! When you have 4 preschoolers and 1 infant all in the same house, things can get crazy! But, it was a good crazy, and we are sad they have left us. (for now:) We did manage to squeeze in a little adult conversation Tuesday night after the kids had gone to bed, and that is always a treat! I will let the pictures below tell the story of their visit, and you can use your imagination to fill in the blanks!

Monday, my very best friend in the world, Sally, and her two sweet little girls came to stay and play with us for a few days. Sally and I have known each other since high school, and we became really close during our college days together.
It was action-packed to say the least! When you have 4 preschoolers and 1 infant all in the same house, things can get crazy! But, it was a good crazy, and we are sad they have left us. (for now:) We did manage to squeeze in a little adult conversation Tuesday night after the kids had gone to bed, and that is always a treat! I will let the pictures below tell the story of their visit, and you can use your imagination to fill in the blanks!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Quick Trip to Charleston
Rob and I were able to get away by ourselves for a quick trip to South Carolina this past weekend. We stayed with Rob's sister, Carrianna and her husband, Eric Friday night. Saturday morning they showed us around beautiful downtown Charleston. We ate a delicious lunch at a really nice seafood restaurant located right on the water. Rob had shrimp and I thoroughly enjoyed a crab cake sandwich!!
After lunch, we traveled to Greer, SC to be part of Ruthie Corley Zylstra's wedding! It was beautiful!!! Ruthie was a gorgeous bride!! I was so thankful to be able to share in her special day! After the ceremony, we enjoyed a yummy dinner and did a little dancing!
I totally enjoyed our quick trip away - just the two of us:)
(Special thanks to Marmee and Pop for making this possible)
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