This past weekend Rob and I built a cute, little chicken coop and bought 4 chickens to live in it! (and Yes, I'm allowed to say we because I did use the nail gun a few times:) We didn't really have an exact plan, but went around and found wood that had been lying around and started building. We just kind of made it up as we went and, it turned out pretty good I must say!
This is our second whole, organic food that we have been able to add to our repertoire of healthy food for the family. First, we started with raw milk, now we have our own farm fresh eggs! Yet another way we can be self-sufficient as well!
It is really neat to be able to walk over to the back of the coop and open the little flap and pull out an egg! The kids cannot wait to get up there every day and gather the eggs! So fun!
Phase 1 - the Floor
Wyatt doing some work
This is the finished product (somehow my pics got out of order, oh well)
pretending to be chickens
the back of the coop where we are able to gather the eggs
Phase 3 - getting the inside ready for their nests
We plan on leaving them inside their coop for a couple of weeks until they are very used to it, and then we will be able to let them out to "free range" during the day. In the evening we will lock them inside the coop to keep them safe for the night. As long as they don't end up excreting their wastes on my porch, they should live long, happy lives:)
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