My precious grandmother, Wilma McKinney turned 85 on July 8th. The kids and I made the trip to Bowling Green, Ky via Clarksville to attend her party. This is my dad's mom. (Interesting Fact: Her real name on her birth certificate is Willie, not Wilma. She told me that her dad was wanting a boy, and even though she was a girl, still chose to name her Willie. Hope she doesn't mind me sharing that:)
I remember one time when I was about 11 years old, my grandmother stayed the night with us and we slept together in my bed. I started asking her all kinds of questions about what life was like when she was a little girl. She told me all about using lye soap to take baths, how they washed their clothes, and all kinds of other interesting facts. Then I remember her realizing just how much things had actually changed during in her lifetime.
She had 12 children, and I don't know how many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren, but a whole bunch! I don't know if she knows either:)
When I was researching how to make my own butter, I called her to pick her brain. She told me how she used to make her own butter "patties" and imprinted little flowers on the top. She also told me that she would store it in the freezer and people would come from Michigan, Indiana, and the Carolinas to buy her butter. She sold it for a dollar a pattie.
Nobody can cook like grandma! If you ask her for a recipe, be prepared for a dab of this and a pinch of that. I guess real cooks don't use measuring cups. Everything she makes turns out yummy!
a blog for my short and long-term memory loss
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
All Natural Recipe Experiments Part II: Shampoo and Soap
It's been a while since my homemade deodurant post, but here are a couple of other all-natural products I have made as well. You can find the exact recipes at
These are all of the ingredients and tools you need to make shampoo. Dr. Bronner's Liquid Castile Soap, raw apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, vitamen E oil, and a spray bottle
This is what I use for shampoo and soap in my shower
I used the Dial foaming soap dispenser and put the Dr. Bronner's liquid soap into it so that it would last longer. It suds up great! I also added some Vitamin E oil and Sweet Orange Essential Oil to the soap.
Mini Coop(er)
No, we didn't get a new car. I don't think our family would fit into one of those kind anyway. We did however, build a little chicken coop!
This past weekend Rob and I built a cute, little chicken coop and bought 4 chickens to live in it! (and Yes, I'm allowed to say we because I did use the nail gun a few times:) We didn't really have an exact plan, but went around and found wood that had been lying around and started building. We just kind of made it up as we went and, it turned out pretty good I must say!
This is our second whole, organic food that we have been able to add to our repertoire of healthy food for the family. First, we started with raw milk, now we have our own farm fresh eggs! Yet another way we can be self-sufficient as well!
It is really neat to be able to walk over to the back of the coop and open the little flap and pull out an egg! The kids cannot wait to get up there every day and gather the eggs! So fun!

pretending to be chickens

the back of the coop where we are able to gather the eggs

We plan on leaving them inside their coop for a couple of weeks until they are very used to it, and then we will be able to let them out to "free range" during the day. In the evening we will lock them inside the coop to keep them safe for the night. As long as they don't end up excreting their wastes on my porch, they should live long, happy lives:)
This past weekend Rob and I built a cute, little chicken coop and bought 4 chickens to live in it! (and Yes, I'm allowed to say we because I did use the nail gun a few times:) We didn't really have an exact plan, but went around and found wood that had been lying around and started building. We just kind of made it up as we went and, it turned out pretty good I must say!
This is our second whole, organic food that we have been able to add to our repertoire of healthy food for the family. First, we started with raw milk, now we have our own farm fresh eggs! Yet another way we can be self-sufficient as well!
It is really neat to be able to walk over to the back of the coop and open the little flap and pull out an egg! The kids cannot wait to get up there every day and gather the eggs! So fun!
Phase 1 - the Floor
Wyatt doing some work
This is the finished product (somehow my pics got out of order, oh well)
pretending to be chickens
the back of the coop where we are able to gather the eggs
Phase 3 - getting the inside ready for their nests
We plan on leaving them inside their coop for a couple of weeks until they are very used to it, and then we will be able to let them out to "free range" during the day. In the evening we will lock them inside the coop to keep them safe for the night. As long as they don't end up excreting their wastes on my porch, they should live long, happy lives:)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
My Journey Has Begun!
I have always been fascinated with the "good ol' days" and their way of life. It just seems to have been a slower pace than how we live now. I don't know what mental picture pops into your mind when you think about the "good ol' days" but, I think of the Andy Griffith Show. Andy, Aunt Bea, Opie, and Barney sitting on the front porch drinking sweet tea. They didn't seemed to be too stressed out or worried about anything. They worked hard, and enjoyed the simple pleasures of life.
I also have a great desire for my family and myself to eat traditional, whole foods. Once you start researching and figuring out exactly how to go about making this change it can be OVERWHELMING! I have been easily discouraged in the past, and stopped proceeding in making these changes. I have since had my desire renewed and have begun my journey in making the switch to whole foods.
One last area I am making advances in is living a more self-sufficent lifestyle. Notice I did not say totally self-sufficent lifestyle. BIG DIFFERCE! I don't plan on giving up my hair dryer or washing machine any time soon, so don't think I've totally lost my mind and fallen off the deep end! If I can start to take some items off of my master grocery list and learn to make them myself, and not be as dependent on the electric company to provide our heat in the wintertime, I will be excited with my progress in this area.
I have found that these changes are something I am very passionate about, and am loving everything I am learning about them. I am going to start sharing my adventures in these three areas. I'm sure this will be a learning experience for all of us! So stick around and enjoy the fun:)
Raw milk. Our first change in whole foods has been making the switch from pasterized cow's milk, to raw cow's milk. I was very nervous about tasting it for the first time. I had been looking for a local dairy that would sell my family raw milk, and finally found one. The kids and I went to pick up the milk for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and we have already been back a second time for more!! I just knew that it probably wouldn't taste as good as the milk that I was used to drinking from the store, but I was very wrong! It tastes GREAT! The kids love it. They drink it every morning. And let me just tell you all of the things we have made with it so far: butter (wich I will show you below), homemade ice cream, banana shakes, in my coffee, buttermilk, and there are a ton of other things I can't wait to try.
So, in buying raw milk, I have taken several things off of my grocery list that I do not plan on having to purchase ever again! Half and Half, Whipping Cream, Butter, Buttermilk, and Ice Cream are all things I can be self-sufficient in making myself. I know that this probably doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun to most people, having to make your own, but I am totally enjoying myself!
If you have raw milk and a good mixer than you can make your own butter. It was super easy! And tastes great! I am not going to go into every detail here, you can google it yourself if you are interested, but here are the steps pictured below.
I also have a great desire for my family and myself to eat traditional, whole foods. Once you start researching and figuring out exactly how to go about making this change it can be OVERWHELMING! I have been easily discouraged in the past, and stopped proceeding in making these changes. I have since had my desire renewed and have begun my journey in making the switch to whole foods.
One last area I am making advances in is living a more self-sufficent lifestyle. Notice I did not say totally self-sufficent lifestyle. BIG DIFFERCE! I don't plan on giving up my hair dryer or washing machine any time soon, so don't think I've totally lost my mind and fallen off the deep end! If I can start to take some items off of my master grocery list and learn to make them myself, and not be as dependent on the electric company to provide our heat in the wintertime, I will be excited with my progress in this area.
I have found that these changes are something I am very passionate about, and am loving everything I am learning about them. I am going to start sharing my adventures in these three areas. I'm sure this will be a learning experience for all of us! So stick around and enjoy the fun:)
Raw milk. Our first change in whole foods has been making the switch from pasterized cow's milk, to raw cow's milk. I was very nervous about tasting it for the first time. I had been looking for a local dairy that would sell my family raw milk, and finally found one. The kids and I went to pick up the milk for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and we have already been back a second time for more!! I just knew that it probably wouldn't taste as good as the milk that I was used to drinking from the store, but I was very wrong! It tastes GREAT! The kids love it. They drink it every morning. And let me just tell you all of the things we have made with it so far: butter (wich I will show you below), homemade ice cream, banana shakes, in my coffee, buttermilk, and there are a ton of other things I can't wait to try.
So, in buying raw milk, I have taken several things off of my grocery list that I do not plan on having to purchase ever again! Half and Half, Whipping Cream, Butter, Buttermilk, and Ice Cream are all things I can be self-sufficient in making myself. I know that this probably doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun to most people, having to make your own, but I am totally enjoying myself!
If you have raw milk and a good mixer than you can make your own butter. It was super easy! And tastes great! I am not going to go into every detail here, you can google it yourself if you are interested, but here are the steps pictured below.
Scoop all of the cream off the top of your milk, put it in the mixer, and let it blend for around 15-20 minutes. This is what it will look like after that. Buttermilk separates from the butter.
Pour the buttermilk into a glass jar and keep it to make pancakes and biscuits!
Children are precious. Especially mine. Although I admit I am probably a tad biased in my opinion.
Having children rocks your world. It can show us just how selfish we are. Raising children is hard. It is a 24-7 job!
We want what is best for our children. We love them unconditionally just as Christ loves us.
The most important thing you can do for your children is pray for them. No matter what age or what type of relationship you have with them, God hears and answers prayers. So, PRAY!
Praying consistently for something or someone is hard work. It takes physical and mental effort. Over the past couple of years I have learned to use Scripture in praying for my children. This has radically changed my prayer life in this area as well of many others. Here are some of the verses I use when I pray for my children, and for myself during these tiring preschool years.

(posing on top of thier kitchen for Layla who had "borrowed" my camera)
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your shall be far from oppression, for you chall not fear, and from terror, for it shall not come near you...No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me...
Having children rocks your world. It can show us just how selfish we are. Raising children is hard. It is a 24-7 job!
We want what is best for our children. We love them unconditionally just as Christ loves us.
The most important thing you can do for your children is pray for them. No matter what age or what type of relationship you have with them, God hears and answers prayers. So, PRAY!
Praying consistently for something or someone is hard work. It takes physical and mental effort. Over the past couple of years I have learned to use Scripture in praying for my children. This has radically changed my prayer life in this area as well of many others. Here are some of the verses I use when I pray for my children, and for myself during these tiring preschool years.
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom...satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days...Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!
Psalm 90:12-17
Pour your Spirit upon our children and your blessing on our descendants
Isaiah 44:3
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your shall be far from oppression, for you chall not fear, and from terror, for it shall not come near you...No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me...
Isaiah 54:13-15, 17
Friday, July 8, 2011
Visits from Family
This summer has been packed with visits from lots of family! The end of June, my sister Hannah and Bro-in-Law TJ came and stayed with us for a few days. They brought Silas, Daniel, and Isaiah to play with our kids. They had a blast as usual. We took them to Gee Creek one day while they were here and they enjoyed their time there also.
This month Rob's older sister Lauren and her kids, Eveley, Caleb, and brand new twins, Jack and Ryan came for a week-long visit. Mathers had been helping Lauren in Virginia, and she was able to come along with them.
Rob's youngest sister, Carrianna and her husband, Eric were also able to come during this time and see everyone as well! All the kids LOVE Uncle Eric!! He is a huge hit! They had such a fun, action-packed week together. Here are just a few pictures from this past week.
Caleb, Eveley, and Layla hanging out in the pool

Uncle Eric swinging Caleb and Eveley
This month Rob's older sister Lauren and her kids, Eveley, Caleb, and brand new twins, Jack and Ryan came for a week-long visit. Mathers had been helping Lauren in Virginia, and she was able to come along with them.
Rob's youngest sister, Carrianna and her husband, Eric were also able to come during this time and see everyone as well! All the kids LOVE Uncle Eric!! He is a huge hit! They had such a fun, action-packed week together. Here are just a few pictures from this past week.
Carrianna and Bump, Aunt Jan holding Jack, Eric, Gram, Lauren, and Mimi
Uncle Eric swinging Caleb and Eveley
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