a blog for my short and long-term memory loss

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Anna Lea is Three!

This past Sunday Anna Lea turned 3 years old!! We are having a combined birthday next Sunday for all three of them, but we did a little ice cream celebrating on her actual birth day.

Ready for church

Sweet Face

Enjoying ice cream in her pajamas with the bottoms inside out:)

Very excited about getting a Snow White Barbie Doll

We love our Anna Lea!!! She is a beautiful and very special girl!!!

(Maybe the "terrible twos" are over now??)


  1. She's so cute...and um I'm pretty sure Jordan is still in his terrible 2's I dont think they ever go away :)

  2. Wow! Can't believe she is already 3. Time flies! She is cute as a button!
