a blog for my short and long-term memory loss

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

We have many reasons for celebrating today! First, we are celebrating the fact that our Jesus is not still hanging on the cross, dead. He is ALIVE! He is living and active TODAY!

Second, third, and fourth, we are celebrating the birthdays of our three precious children. We started with an egg hunt, enjoyed delicious burgers and dogs by Rob, opened presents, and somehow ended up sliding down our hill on a big piece of plastic...if you haven't figured it out by now, yes, we have a little redneck in us around here!!

So thankful that Marmee, Pop, Uncle Will, Gram, Poppy, and Mimi were able to party with us today!

Waiting for the Easter Bunny (Uncle Will) to hide the eggs

Still waiting

Checking out the loot

the whole fam

Candy! Candy! Candy!

The "Greats"


Wyatt and his new "Big Twuck"

Redneck Slip-n-Slide!

You know you want to!

Wyatt loved it! He is TOO big!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Anna Lea is Three!

This past Sunday Anna Lea turned 3 years old!! We are having a combined birthday next Sunday for all three of them, but we did a little ice cream celebrating on her actual birth day.

Ready for church

Sweet Face

Enjoying ice cream in her pajamas with the bottoms inside out:)

Very excited about getting a Snow White Barbie Doll

We love our Anna Lea!!! She is a beautiful and very special girl!!!

(Maybe the "terrible twos" are over now??)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Visit from Mimi, Aunt Jan, Cousin Lynn, and Kids

This past Tuesday, Rob's cousin Lynn and her 3 children came to visit from Alabama. Mimi and Aunt Jan came with them as well. Our kids were so excited about them visiting and couldn't wait for them to get here. We all had a wonderful visit together! The kids had a lot of fun playing with their sweet cousins!
The star of the show -- Kate! Anna Lea, Layla, and Wyatt were so in love with her!

Crockett and Wyatt loved looking at the Truck Book together!

So Precious!

Fighting over who gets to hold her next

Mimi (holding Holly) and the great grandkids eating Goldfish

Aunt Jan at the kid table while they were eating lunch

Friday, April 8, 2011

Follow Your Heart???

Here recently I have heard quite a few different people say or quote things like this: "I guess I will just follow my heart," or "I'm going to let my heart lead me". I even heard these lyrics from a song on a children's TV program, "...listen to your heart...". These little sayings that have been passed along sound very safe and comforting. But, are they true?? Would you consider it good advice to give someone?? Maybe this verse from Scripture will help you make a more informed decision... Jeremiah 17:9 says it like this, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" (English Standard Version) So, maybe telling someone to trust their heart would not be such good advidce after all. Maybe our focus should be on the One who knows our hearts and warns us about how deceitful it is. If we truly want (and we may not be at this point yet) to do what is best for ourselves, shouldn't we look to the One who loves us with unconditional love and knows and wants what is best not only for us, but for everyone else?? If we find ourselves in a situation where our heart is leading us one way and our head another, perhaps we should stop and pray this prayer, "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievious way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" (Psalms 139:23-24 ESV)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Play Date Part II

Well, you saw the pictures I took from our play date. Layla snatched my camera, and Preston and her had their own photo shoot...

This is when I caught them in the act!

Play Date

Yesterday, my friend Amanda brought her three kids over to play with mine. My kids were super excited for them to come over and couldn't wait for them to get here. They all played very well together, and Amanda and I actually got to squeeze in some time to visit with each other! These are the pictures that I took...

Aiden and Wyatt

Layla, Preston, and Lilly

Preston and Layla not taking their eyes off of the TV (in a few years they won't be allowed to sit this close:)

Anna Lea and Lilly (They are two of a kind!)

Wyatt and Aiden (too cute to get into trouble for pulling leaves off my plant)