a blog for my short and long-term memory loss

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Layla always wants to hold Anna Lea like a little baby, but Anna Lea never will let her because she doesn't like to stay in the same place too long. Sunday afternoon Layla called us to come and look at her. This is what we found. They even stayed still long enough to get several pictures. They were both so proud of themselves!

Anna Lea's New Baby Doll

We found this monster of a cucumber in our garden. Anna Lea wanted to carry it around and we let her. Rob drew a face on it so that she could pretend it was her baby, but she started eating the end of it, so... her and Layla took turns taking bites of it. Speaking of our garden, we are very proud of our little garden. This is the second year to have one, and it has done very well so far this summer. We have frozen several quarts of green beans, and eaten lots of peppers and tomatoes. We harvested a few ears of corn, and are starting to get some squash now. We are waiting on our okra to produce, and have several small canteloupe growing.

Family Visit

My sister Hannah, her two boys, Silas and Daniel, and my cousin Heather all came to visit and stay with us for a few days. They arrived Wednesday afternoon and left on Friday. Layla and Silas were very excited about playing together. Even though they are very different and got on each others nerves sometimes, they still had a ball playing together.

Monday, July 20, 2009

2 Months Old!

Little Wyatt turned 2 months old on July 8th. He also had his first set of shots that day. He weighed 13 lbs. 13 oz. and was 24 1/4 in. long. The doctor bragged about how well he was growing. He is in the 95 percentile for height and weight, so he is pretty big for his britches. Speaking of britches, Anna Lea had better hurry up or Wyatt is going to pass her up. She wears size 3 diapers and he is wearing size 2 and 6 mo. size clothes already! He is still sleeping through the night, which is extremely nice for me!! Two days ago he laughed (at me) for the first time!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July

Pop, Marmee, Carrianna, Will, Layla, Anna Lea, Wyatt, Rob, and myself celebrated the Fourth of July by spending all day at Watts Bar Lake on a pontoon boat. Pop pulled Will, Carrianna, Rob, and Layla on an inner tube. We also swam, sunbathed, and had a yummy picknick lunch. Everyone had a good time, except when it was their turn to watch Anna Lea. She was determined to do her own thing wether it was eating styrofoam bowls, dirt and rocks, or trying to stand up in the seats and lean over the railing of the boat. We were all proud of Layla for getting on the inner tube with her daddy and riding the waves. She was sure to yell at Pop to slow down if he started going even the slightest bit fast.

Wyatt Young

Wyatt is our third and final child, barring a miracle. This is a picture of him from our fourth of July pontooning trip at Watt's Bar Lake. He slept pretty much the entire time. He is a precious little boy. Ever since we brought him home from the hospital he has done very well sleeping through the night. He will grin the biggest grins when you talk to him. He is also starting to make little noises that are so sweet. When he is awake he definitely likes to be held and cuddled.

Anna Lea

Anna Lea our second child, could not be more different than Layla. She is 14 1/2 months old and is not scared of anything. This picture is her standing up in her highchair making a face at me because she knows she is not supposed to be doing this. Her nickname is "Weasel". It originated when Layla could not say "Anna Lea," so she called her "Anna Wea". Then it morphed into "Anna We-We," and then it became "Weezy" and "Weasel". "Weasel" is a very fitting nickname for her because she loves to weasel her way into and out of everything. For example, a few weeks ago before I could get to her, she had climbed into Wyatt's bassinett on top of him. Thankfully poor little Wyatt was fine. Anna Lea can say "da da" and "ma ma", and has just started making all of the animal noises. She has the cow and monkey noises down pat.